Jenn & Chris | The Fun Side of the Dark

Yep. The fun side of the dark. That was pretty much the entire theme of Jenn & Chris' wedding day. Now, I know you're going to think that Jenn & Chris had a Halloween themed party but you'd be wrong. This is simply their style. When we showed up for their engagement session and found Jenn in razored jeans, black leather boots up to her knees, punk hair and a skull & crossbone manicure we thought....Hmmm...this is going to be fun. And then when Chris walked out in his normal everyday wear....a suit and tie...well we were all kinds of giddy. We knew this was not going to be your everyday garden variety photo shoot. And, well, it certainly wasn't.

So you can imagine how impatient we were to see all the final details of their wedding day. And you can see below it was all worth it.

Jenn & Chris had their wedding and reception at the Monroeville Convention Center. The entire place was draped with black curtains and had blue uplighting. And how do you decorate that? By commissioning local artists to paint for you. Of course. 

And if you'd like to add a bit more of a personalized touch to your day, you can also get a few of your engagement session photos enlarged to practically life-sized. And let me tell you...we were not less than totally giddy to see our work blown up this huge on canvas and hanging in this space. It was surreal.

And here are some fun details from their day. Here you see their "champagne glasses". much more perfect can you get here??

You know Tim Burton had a place here.

Jenn's shoes...of course. ;-)

The money box. Yep.

And Jenn absolutely had to change skirts. Yes, her gown was 2-piece so she could change it up later.

Ahhh...the happy family.

Jenn & Chris wanted to make sure to include their grandmothers in their day, both of which had passed away. Now, if this were any other couple I'd have to say this is creepy. But as you can tell, this is not any other couple. Am I right??

Nope, you don't have to do a double-take. That's right, there were no women in this ginormous bridal party. Seriously...does that surprise you?? ;-)

Just love this couple. Just love them!!