Amanda & Mike | The Intimate Engagement

I know I keep dragging out parts of this Engagement Session with Amanda and Mike but I just can't help it! There is so much to show and I feel like if I toss it all up at once you'll miss the fun subtleties of the session. Each outfit to me was a whole new shoot. I chose today to put up photos of the wedding dress I dyed gray because I have another shoot coming up and I think I'm going to be tearing it apart and creating something new with the material. I get bored so fast with wardrobe and can only use each piece a finite number of times. Makes sense right?? I really dug this part of the session. It was sexy and sultry but not nearly as twisted and dark as the more provocative portions of the shoot. This wardrobe inspired grandness showing the fire between Amanda and Mike. Justine threw together that cap on Amanda's head and it changed her whole look in an instant.

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Yes. There is still more to come. ;-)