The Dyeing Diaries

Now that I've dyed a wedding gown I can't seem to be able to look at any of the wardrobe in my studio without thinking "Hmmmm...I should dye that." I get bored real easy with stuff when it comes to the Intimates photography but that's a good thing; it keeps me fresh. It makes me think outside the box and color outside the lines to figure out how to make my small space and my limited wardrobe new and exciting. It's a playground of creativity and I love coming up with new concepts for my clients. I have a session this Thursday that I am so excited about I cannot contain myself. These items you see below will probably not make an appearance but WAIT till you see what I'm doing (with a little help from friends ;-)) Just hoping I can pull it off.

So when I ordered this lovely gown I ordered it in a dark blue/green color and when I opened the box you can imagine my dismay when I saw it was canary yellow. But I had ordered it for a shoot and wouldn't be able to get a new one in time so I used it. It turned out lovely actually. Just so happened that the woman wearing it was blonde with blue eyes so it worked nicely. But there was no way I was keeping it that color. :)

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So I bought about 5 bottles of black Rit Dye and knowing it wouldn't come out black (cuz it never does) I waited to see what joyous color I was going to end up with. I just tossed it in the washer and let it go thru the wash cycle twice (I reset it before rinse). A little note: You can't see it here but the chiffon got damaged a bit because it got caught all over the beading and I had to carefully remove it but it's snagged all over. Not a big deal for me because I'm photographing it, not wearing it to a ball.

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Not bad at all I tell ya! In this photo it looks more like a navy blue but it's actually a deep green/blue. The underneath turned a mustard yellow, which I'm totally fine with.

Dress regenerated! Love it!

Coming to a beautiful woman soon!