It Works! | Come Join Me for a Fun Wrap & Detox Party!

Screen Shot 2013-03-18 at 11.12.57 AM That's right ladies! Come join me to get wrapped and detoxed! If you've never heard of It Works! let me introduce you.

It Works! is a line of body contouring and skin care products specifically created to tone and sculpt your body, all thru the use of zone-specific body wraps, nutritional supplements and skin care products. These products can be used to shed inches off of your body (in 45 minutes!!) and totally detox your body to enhance and boost your health. There really is a lot of info on this and I can't go over all of it so I'd like to refer you to Kathleen Evanochko's site (the distributor for the evening) where you can access a bunch more info.

Here are a few before & after photos that I received on the It Works! Facebook page.

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And GO HERE for a bit more info on what a wrap party is all about.

At this party each woman can pay $25 and receive a wrap treatment anywhere on their body that they'd like to see a reduction in inches (most popular is the waist). You can then choose to walk away with your fun experience or buy more products. The choice is yours!

Please note: I am not an It Works! distributor and I will not be compensated in anyway for hosting this party. I also do not receive any products for hosting this party. Kathleen approached me because of my connection to a lot of women that may find these products very useful. These products have incredible features and benefits so I was all-kinds-of-game to introduce them to anyone interested. Results do vary and results are not guaranteed.

Are you a bride looking to shed an inch or 2 for your upcoming wedding? Are you a boudoir client looking to tone those arms for a session? Are you a man or woman looking to finally get your health on track? If so, feel free to come and have some fun while taking advantage of the special offers Kathleen will be talking about.

This party is free, unless you would like to take advantage of a wrap, in which case the fee is $25. And of course, if you know me at all there will definitely be wine and yummies to partake in!

Who: Absolutely anyone! Date: April 21 Time: 2:00pm until 3:30/4pm Place: Elizabeth's studio on the North Side: 502 W. North Ave. Pgh 15212 (ring "Studio 502" buzzer to gain entrance) Fee: Free unless you would like to take advantage of a body contouring wrap, which is $25/person.

Please RSVP to me at

See you there!

And a teensy side note: For those of you not interested in taking advantage of the products, consider becoming a distributor...especially those of you looking to make extra money and those of you with daily connections with women!