Dripping with Femininity | Glamour & Boudoir Photographer | Pittsburgh

See how she just oozes femininity and sensuality? These photos are so sultry to me. A twist of the chin, a curve of the hip...it all comes together to project such a delicate balance of power and softness. I recently attended a workshop in NY and I'm really excited to add a new element to my glamour and boudoir photography. Growing in this field has been a true joy for me....looking at where I started, where I am right now and the path of where I plan to go is a little scary, a touch intimidating...but wow...I have been and plan to continue to enjoy the ride.

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I've been on quite a journey the last few months and it's been quite invigorating (when I'm not curled up in the fetal position in the corner of a room rocking myself). It's been a sort of re-awakening on so many levels: physically, emotionally and in a truly divine way, reconnecting with loving relationships that needed some TLC. Some of it has been scary and some has been totally thrilling. And watching it all come together to intersect into clarity has been humbling and reminds me to ever be grateful for what is in my life. If you know me at all, you know I am a true cheerleader for women finding their beauty within. To enjoy the process of finding out who they are, stretching their femininity and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to truly wrap themselves in understanding of who they are and mostly to appreciate themselves: every wrinkle, every blemish, every dimple of cellulite. You are you and there is no one like you. No one. Embrace that and celebrate it. It has been wonderful bringing out the beauty of women; and I don't mean beauty in the sense of what is viewed as beautiful. I mean their insides...I mean peel-the-skin-off-and-show-me-what's-inside-beautiful.

What you may not know is that every time I help a woman bring out her raw beauty is actually therapy for me. Because we connect and we silently agree that you have just recognized a part of yourself you may not have known was there. I love that. Now I will also focus on my own power and beauty, inside and out, to meet the challenges ahead of me. Bring. It. On.

All powerful, awesome, vulnerable, sweet, fierce, rockstar women are invited for the ride. Gonna be a good one. ;-)