Straight Up Givin' A Crap | Sevenly

Yup. Like the title? I am lovin' it. Let me introduce you to my favorite charity organization: Sevenly. I got introduced to Sevenly thru Facebook and I have been following their causes ever since. What I love about their organization is that it's fresh, simple and gives a very youthful spin on whatever cause it is they are working on for any given day or week. tell me who isn't giggling at this display of awesome geekiness right now? Huh?? Just try and not smile when you look at this shot:

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Here's how it works: every week Sevenly selects a cause, connects with that charitable organization and focuses on that particular cause for 7 days. I don't know how they select a cause but they appear to be random and cover a huge spectrum of needs around the world. They set a monetary goal and every purchase made equals a donation of $7 for that cause. Thru social influence, purchasing of really and truly cool products (the trendy and gorgeous art that continues to come out is sooo awesome. I want to be that cool kid that wears their stuff) and building relationships with those that donate with causes dear to their heart, Sevenly is "straight up givin' a crap" and I just adore this.

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The art work alone is worth the purchase. For every campaign, new artwork is designed to celebrate and get the message out about that cause:

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What I love most is that it is so appealing to a younger generation, which is the exact population that needs to be getting their hands dirty in doling out some love in the world. Why? Because they're young and getting grounded in a feeling of responsibility towards generosity at a young age ensures a lifetime of giving....and passing on that culture to the next generation. Can't go wrong with that, right??

As you can see from the photo below I purchased their Sevenly 3 Notebook Kit. I bought a few because I love having things like this around to give to people when they need a little "love boost". I love this product because I am part writer/part photographer so anything writing-oriented is dear to my heart. But...let me tell favorite part of my purchase was the free stickers that came with my package. Check them out!! I love them all! I swear I could wear any given one on my forehead everyday. Yes, I'm that dork. And I'm proud of that.

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So if you have some time please stop by their site, blog or their Facebook page and catch up on what's going on. I know you can't donate for each cause but if you follow them I guarantee one will come across your screen that is near and dear to you and if you can find in your heart to give, then do. If nothing else, breathe in all that good lovin' generosity filling the world and walk away with a love-filled hopeful heart. It's a lovely reminder that the news stations have it all wrong. ;-) Our world is filled with beautiful, loving, inspiring, generous, touching, personal, awesome and kick-ass people.

Givers requestedFollowers encouraged. Leaders wanted.