Fun at the Mansions on Fifth & Bill Deasy

Bill Deasy | Mansions on Fifth-0006 Yep--I said. Bill Deasy. He's so awesome (and not just a little sexy...sorry John). Not sure if you know this but the Mansions on Fifth has become the hotspot for fun times, superb eats and a relaxing and elegant atmosphere to hang out in. If you don't know about the Mansions on Fifth's history, definitely check out the story on their website. It's quite fascinating to read about and we're very lucky to continue to have this piece of Pittsburgh's history with us.

Not only does the Mansions on Fifth have the history and beauty of the buildings to boast, they also recently started some very cool happenings that John and I took advantage of last night. On certain Tuesdays of each month, the Mansions opens their doors to local musicians for their Music at the Mansions series. And last night John and I got to see Bill Deasy, which we're huge fans of. It was awesome! Bill was incredibly entertaining, both with his amazing music and with his storytelling. It's always amazing how much his voice and one guitar can fill a room. His voice itself is such a powerful instrument and not all singers can say that.

We were then treated to some yummy yummy light cuisine prepared by the Mansions chef, and let me tell you...normally when you see "light fare included" that means a crouton, some water and a toothpick. But not at the Mansions...the food was delectable, very elegant and mouth-watering. Desserts, appetizers, hot food and cold food....I happily rolled myself out to my car after the concert. ;-)

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Bill Deasy | Mansions on Fifth-0009Bill Deasy | Mansions on Fifth-0010Bill Deasy | Mansions on Fifth-0008

I am so impressed with the Mansions and I plan on spending some time there in the future. They have really put so much energy into maintaining the beauty of the buildings, along with opening their doors for some really and truly, honest-to-goodness fun events that immerse you into the art world.

~There are the Art Immersion retreats, whereupon national and international artists come to the Mansions to hold art instruction workshops that attendees can take advantage of, all while staying at hotel. ~Same thing with Theater Immersion. Come and bring out the thespian inside while immersing yourself in the beauty of the Mansions ~As I said above, there is a Tuesday music series that you do not want to miss. ~And finally, they have brunch y'all! Do you know how hard it is to find a good brunch in Pittsburgh where you're not jammed in like sardines, all while eating very high-quality and delicious foods?? AND you get to be surrounded by such gorgeousness as the Mansions....can't beat it with a stick.

Oh and I can't forget to mention that Mansions is also an art gallery. Their walls are filled with some of the most beautiful art work you'd ever want to see and it's all for sale.

So if you're in the area, be sure to stop in and have a tour. Stop in the Oak Room and have a specialty cocktail and a bite to eat. You won't regret it!

And don't forget to check out Bill's website as well. He's got some fun things coming up this summer I know you do not want to miss!