Painting with Light

So in light of the fun holiday that just passed us by I wanted to share a little fun the Craig family had a few weekends ago. Ella decided she wanted to try tent camping so who am I to refuse a little one's dream? Thankfully, I must tell you, she was a bit bored and I say "thankfully" because my camping with Mother Nature days have been over for about a decade. Camping, to me, now means a king-sized bed, mini-bar, running water and yes, a TV with pay-per-view. John had this awesome idea to paint with light. So out came the flashlights and we each kept coming up with ideas and taking turns painting on a canvas of black. We had a blast!!

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How awesome is this?? John outlined Ella in the running man position...ha!Painting with Light Photography-0004 Painting with Light Photography-0005 Painting with Light Photography-0006

John's homage to our favorite past time...Painting with Light Photography-0007

And Ella's final message to us all before bed time. :)Painting with Light Photography-0008 Painting with Light Photography-0009