Bridal Boudoir & Glamour Photography | Pittsburgh

Yesssss.....putting a bit of sizzle in the white dress. I found this dress for $15 in a 2nd hand store. Not exactly the trendiest of wedding gowns, so I made a few adjustments. ;-) Now, my apologies for the total amateur job I did on these before photos....turns out the iPhone isn't always the miracle camera it's been touted as. But you gets the job done.

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Just look at those sleeves and all the frill around the neck and wrist areas. Eeewwwwweeeee! I bet this dress was a prize in 1972!! And for $15 I was going to make it my prize of the day! All I did was remove the sleeves and neckline and take off the belt and applique at the center of the empire waist (thanks Justine for the help!) and we were in business.

Then all we needed was a woodsy area that just so happened to have a sweet little homemade bridge to trollop around on and an ooooold ladder left on the land that had been there since the '40s. Enter my very good friend, Raemie. She let us tromp all over her land and it really added the exact element I wanted for this set in the session...

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