Linsdsay & Roy | Engagment Photos | Pittsburgh

So remember the post I put up last week showing how light plays such an awesome role in any photography session? Well here is the continuation of that, as I stated in that post. Meet Lindsay & Roy. Lindsay & Roy's e-session took place just days after Emily & Jon's and it was in the same locations. But as you can see the light was completely different. Emily & Jon's day was full of sun we could play with but Lindsay & Roy's day was full of clouds. Yet both days produced lovely opportunities to grab some lovely shots. :) With Emily & Jon, we used the sun. With Lindsay & Roy, the lack of sun gave us the opportunity to use some fill flash to balance light and bring warmth to the photos.

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As you can see the sun peeked out at the end, which allowed for I guess what some have called our signature look (a bit blown out and sun fave).

Lindsay & Roy came all the way in from Harrisburg for their session so as you can imagine, there was no canceling for bad weather. The best lesson you can teach yourself in photography is to make due with what you have. Once you master that you can shoot in any light anywhere.

Soooooo glad Lindsay & Roy didn't cancel for the day. We would've missed so many awesome opportunities to play with light. And we also had a BLAST with these 2, which we would have missed out on as well had they not made the trek in to see us.

So thank you Lindsay & Rob! Had a great day!!