Ella's Finale

On our way to City Mission! Poor Ella barely fit in the car! photo 1-1

"I was so happy to get my book back. And I like it very much. And now I know it was a mistacke to get that book but I learned to save money and know alot of peopl need mony. It was FUN meeting peopl. I went to the hospitel. I met a nice nurse and she gave me books toys food mony cotse scarfs glofs hats and I hope this makes alot of familys happy.

Love Ella"

Yes...my little bean brought it all full circle. This was a wonderful experience with Ella and we have determined we would like to do this together every year (minus the punishment, screaming, crying and gnashing of teeth). As much as Ella enjoyed herself thru this process, I found that keeping the whole purpose of why we were doing what we were doing present and easy for her to understand quite a challenge. But that is so when  you're dealing with a child living a privileged life. But she listened and she learned. Can't ask for more than that.

We drove and collected some of the donations and we received some at our home. Each gifted donation was a true blessing and so we'd love to thank Jenielle & her co-workers at Montefiore Hospital for their incredible generosity. We'd also like to thank Sarah and her children for their wonderful donations, Raemie and her mom, Veronica, Amanda & Caleb, Stephanie and her boys, Cait, Erin and her daughter, Jenn and her family, Christina and her family, Ella's 2nd grade class, my mother-in-law and my father and his wife, Sandy. We are blessed to have each of you in our lives. And if I have forgotten any of the donators I'm so sorry. We really did end up with so very much. City Mission was absolutely thrilled. And special thanks to those of you that stopped by the house on Saturday. You made a 7 year old very happy. :)

So thank you for the hats, coats, gloves, scarves, books, toys, toiletries, food, costumes, purses, clothing, money and shoes. And of course, thank you for the support you gave Ella.

We had a blast!!

Avis Arbor Women & Children's Shelter

And this isn't even all of it!!! Not even close! And sound the trumpets! It all started for this:

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I'm happy to say that Ella is madly in love with her book (for now). She has enjoyed it thoroughly and has shared it with her friends and her classroom.

Drop off with a little talk about what City Mission does from the gal in charge, Donna.

photo 2-1

Turning a mistake into an act of kindness.....not so bad. ;-)

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