Making New Friends | Pittsburgh Head Shots Photographer

Pittsburgh Head Shots Photos-0008 Meet Elizabeth. Great name, right? I got a quickie email from Elizabeth: Hiya. Need new head shots. No time like the get the gist.

Next up we're in my studio chatting away like we're long lost friends. Elizabeth is a very interesting person. She and her husband have 2 daughters and an adopted son, who is 4. Hearing all about their son's adoption process was so interesting and listening to Elizabeth talk about the differences between her 2 daughters was heartwarming. She was an absolute delight to hang out with. So much so that we're going to meet up soon to hang out again.

Elizabeth, Justine and I spent an hour and a half talking away while she was in hair and makeup and her head shots took about 10 minutes. :) I edited the photos and put them up on her gallery for her to choose from and this is the email I got when she saw them:

"OMG!!! You are amazing!!! I NEVER look good....I mean it! It's like if I go to the ER and I don't want to tell the nurse that nobody can ever find my veins because it makes them I didn't say anything about being extremely un photogenic and was sure it was going to be a long shot....but you ROCK!!! I just went through them with my daughter and I can't wait for my husband to come home and see them :)! Thank you so much!!! I will figure out which ones and let you know. Yay! I'm so excited!!! Also, I made a funny video about taking my fake eyelashes off last night. Lol! I got compliments all day on how I looked. I'm thinking I need a stylist always. Hmmm...that's probably expensive....I guess I'll get one when I'm famous...thanks to my awesome new pics ;)! Talk to you soon...and we should totally go out and get coffee and/or wine :)...

Elizabeth :)"

I think I have the best job in the world (second to the acrobats that do all that super-crazy-awesome stuff in Cirque du Soleil....that's way cooler than being a photographer...most days :))

And as if THAT email wasn't enough to make my day, Elizabeth sent me that absolutely hilarious and totally endearing video of the antics of taking off her false eyelashes and removing all that gorgeous makeup. Give it a watch! You won't regret it ladies!!!

[wpvideo XWBwUDjc]

MAN I love this woman. :)

Pittsburgh Head Shots Photos-0007Don't forget to visit my Elizabeth Craig Intimates site!