High School Senior Photography | Pittsburgh

And a bit more of Ms. Maddy. WOWZA did we have a blast. Maddy made it a point to tell me that she had never really had her photos taken professionally before, so she was a little nervous about what to do in front of the lens. Lucky for her it's not her job to make her shine for the camera. ;-) You see, no matter what photographer you decide to hire for their services, you want to make sure you hire one that knows it's their responsibility to get you to do whatever it takes to get what you want on film. If you hire a photographer that doesn't know how to direct it can be difficult. Because, as it was for Maddy, most times you seek out a professional photographer you've either never been photographed professionally before or so long ago you don't even remember the experience.

It's an intuitive thing as well. Each woman that I photograph has a different personality and different set of needs from me. Some are super confident and just need me to direct that confidence in a productive way. Some are super shy and need to be brought out of their shell gently. Some just need to hear reassuring advice and they come alive! For some reason it's easy for me to read women that come into my studio so it all comes naturally for me. I think it probably helps that I'm the goofiest one in the room and can immediately bring anyone to a relaxed state of mind. :)

With Maddy, I just needed to make her feel like she could do this. She was shy and unsure of herself but once she heard encouraging words from me and assurance that the photos in the camera were holding a fabulous POW factor, she immediately allowed herself to enjoy the experience, be confident and give me exactly what I needed. But I do find that a lot with younger women. Teenagers and children naturally connect with the lens. I suppose it's because it's easier for younger people to let their guards down quicker. Hope Maddy never loses that ability.

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