Before & After Boudoir Glamour Photography | Pittsburgh

Before & After Boudoir Photos-0001 So, I send out a questionnaire to all of my clients once they reserve a session to get to know them a little better. It's brief but the last question I ask is "How do you dream of being photographed?" Every woman gives a pretty detailed answer, including remarks such as: "I want to feel sexy", or "I really like dark black and whites that use a lot of shadows, or "I want to feel beautiful, wear a big gown...I really like ethereal, dreamy photos"....etc. Here was J's response: "I don't like to get my photograph taken. I'm not sure how to answer this question. This question makes me uncomfortable." My response: Challenge. Accepted.

And ya know what? The moment I lifted the camera to my eye, J snapped right in. She connected with the lens easily and all the way thru the session, when I showed her a few photos here and there, she would say "I can't believe that's me!" Yeppers! That's you J! ;-) And as the session went on, the more confident J got. When we finished up I asked her how the experience was. She thought for a brief moment and responded "I'm proud of myself." Challenge. Achieved.

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Hair, makeup & wardrobe assistance: Justine Kolano of Beauty Justified.