Bringing Beauty Back | Boudoir & Glamour Photography | Pittsburgh

Before and After Boudoir Photos-0003 Yep. JT brought sexy back...I'm bringing beauty back. Snap. Word. ;-)

As I've written about before, I meet a lot of fascinating women that come from all walks of life. Their stories always touch me and I'm forever humbled and honored to be a part of whatever journey they are walking at the time they come to me. Whether they are celebrating a new milestone, at the end of a struggle or just celebrating their beautiful selves, I love sharing in that joy. Can't ask for a better career, I must say.

So you can imagine my delight when a woman I photographed a year ago came back in for another session. You may remember K from our previous session...whoa what fun that was! K was referred to me by another client and it was a lot of fun to get updates on K after her first session with me. Her friend explained to me on more than one occasion that following our session together, K began to dress differently, wear her hair differently and came out from that corner that she used to hide in and was much more confident about her gorgeous self. I loooooved hearing all of this. She got some BANG back and you can't imagine how thrilled I was to hear that her session with me had played a part in that.

And then I received this in an email from K:

"Hi Elizabeth,

I hope all is well. I saw this video and it reminded me of the Dove video you previously posted. It also reminded me that you focus on owning who you are, being who you are, not photoshopping someone until she barely resembles herself.

Also, I know I haven't ordered any of my photos or the book yet. I was wondering if it was possible to do another session with you and then use a combination of the pictures to choose from? I've lost more weight since I first met with you a year ago, and it really all started with that session with you. I felt more sexy, more confident than I can remember feeling prior to our session and realized I need to be smarter about what I'm putting into my body (I'm eating much healthier now) and staying healthy through exercise. As a result, I feel even more comfortable and sexy day-to-day. I'd love to have some updated shots.

[My husband] actually (out of the blue the other day) even brought up the possibility of doing a couples shoot.

Let me know what you think.


That was a mighty fine email to receive. Might fine. Of course my answer was Ummm....yeppers! So K came back in and rocked it out beautifully one more time with me. Couples shoot coming soon!


If you feel like bringing some beauty back with me give me a shout. ;-)

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Gorgeous hair and makeup by the ever-so-talented Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.