Boudoir Photography & Beauty Portraiture | Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography-3 Well...I certainly hope you're not tired of me posting photos of beautiful women! Because L here was just dyeing to jump out of my digital darkroom and up on my blog today.

Wowza was L a trooper. She decided she wanted to give her fiance the gift of her gorgeous self. Little did I know that she reserved her session on the day they were coming back from a 6 hour flight from a vacation in the sun and surf. Yikes. So you can imagine when she arrived she was a bit tired. Just a bit. But she put her big girl panties and on and ROCKED it out. As you can see...she did a pret-ty good job of it. ;-)

Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography-1Pittsburgh Boudoir Photography-2Not bad for jet-lagged, eh? Great job L!