The Fashion Twist | Boudoir Photographer | Pittsburgh

Before & After Glamour Boudoir Photos-1Ok....I swear I'm not tooting my own horn here but tell me that "after" shot isn't K.I.L.L.E.R!?!?! Wanna see it closer?? Fashion Boudoir Photography Pittsburgh-1

P was SO worried she wouldn't be able to nail a connection with the lens. Ummm....ahem...wha?? Even after I told P that it's really my job to worry about that she still didn't believe me that I always get what I want....muhahahahahaha!! I have my ways...

So why the "fashion" boudoir title? Because look at these last 2 photos. I ADORE when women bring in fashion for me to play with. Most women want pretty traditional boudoir, but most women also forget that even everyday items from your closest can really add some POW factor to your images. That jacket just blew this set away! So remember, what you think is just a cool jacket, or an oversized sweater, a tank top, or blouse you usually wear to me it's perfection. Remember to always look in your closet BEFORE you buy anything for a session. And make sure to look at the clothes in your closet with a boudoir'll be surprised how you can re-imagine lots of pieces in your wardrobe. And it saves you money!! I find that when women want to buy pieces for their session they go straight to the lingerie section. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but try to think outside the box a bit. It will really bring your session and looks to a whole new level. Pinkie swear! ;-)

Fashion Boudior Photos Pittsburgh-3 Fashion Boudior Photos Pittsburgh-4Beautiful hair and makeup styling by Rachel Carr from the Beauty Justified team!