Who Cares About Your Ass Anyway??

Sucked you right in with that title didn't I? Hmmm....gotcha. Well, I'm not kidding. How about that? OK--maybe a little. ;-) I get email after phone call after phone call after email from women telling me their reason they'd like to be photographed. I love hearing each and every reason. Yes, there are 2 running themes:  I'm getting married or I want to celebrate "something" for myself. The women that are celebrating want beautiful photos of themselves. They want sensuality, beauty, femininity, power and courage to show in their photos. The former...well...not so much. I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all. But...let's take a lesson from the celebratory group.

My point is, no matter who you think you're doing this session for, ultimately it's about you. These are photos of you, for you, about you, expressing you. I agree that including a certain....ahem...lustful side is fun and certainly appreciated by your other half, but think about this when deciding what considering how you want your shoot to go: in 20 years you will likely have a 10 or 15 year old. In 30 years it's likely you'll be helping to raise grandbabies. Photographs are like tattoos: a constant reminder of a decision you made to cement a moment in time in your life, and the lives of those seeing them.

I want each and every photograph to exude the strength and ultimate feminine power you want to feel. I want to capture your inner beauty shining through your outer skin. I want the viewer of those photos, for generations to come, to look at your photographs that I took and feel the breath leave their lungs when they look at them. I want them to stare at the photographs and imagine what you were like, what you were thinking in that moment...who you were and comparing that to who they think you are now.

That photograph is not your derriere. ;-) I have had countless women say to me "I really hate my butt...buuuut he loves it. So can you take a photo of it?"

So, I want you to take a look at these photos and really think about that question above. I absolutely took beautiful sensual photographs of this woman, both clothed and unclothed. Each and every photo could be passed down (yes, even the nudes) and be treasured as a piece of this woman's life. She asked for funky. She asked for powerful. She asked for soft. She asked for sensual. What she did not ask me for is a photo of her butt. :) And it's not the butt I have a problem with, it's the idea of getting so caught up in what you think you want, what you think he wants, what you think you should do, how you think you should dress in these shoots, what body parts you think he wants to see, what teensy bit of shoestring placed ever-so-subtly here or there that you miss the opportunity to capture that real woman inside. You know her...she's the one he fell in love with. She's the one he tripped over and fell deeply in love with.

Who cares about a body part. Give him your Legacy.

Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-4Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-6Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-12Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-2Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-7Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-15Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-13Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-1Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-8Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-5Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-10Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-3Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-14Legacy Photo | Beauty Portraits | Elizabeth Craig Intimates-9