An Update on the Craigs
You'd think having a household with 2 photographers our walls would be filled with gaggles of photographs of all of us. I wish I could say you were right. I do try to get one family photo of all 3 of us once a year so we can see Ella's growth from year to year and this is the first year we haven't done that (yet).
John and I were both in desperate need of new head shots and so we took a brief 15 minutes in the studio and came up with what you see below. Look at that sexy guy. Man he's so stinkin' cute.
And then there's this cutie pie that takes the breath right out of me every time I look at a photo of her. Her eyes just go straight to your heart. And I don't know if you were aware but we had a foreign exchange student come stay with us for the school year last year. Annahita is from Denmark and we're bummed she's gone back home now but as you can see Ella just fell right in love with her. It was lovely to watch Ella share her space and her life with a "big sister". Never a dull moment in our home. :)
And last there's me. One part smile, one part goofball...that about sums it all up.
But this is my favorite for obvious reasons.