Izzy | High School Senior Sessions | Pittsburgh

High School Senior Sessions Pittsburgh-0002 You know what is so fun about Senior Sessions? How utterly excited the gals are to be there, getting their photos taken and having a good time. That's what. Seniors are old enough to have their hair and makeup done, to understand how to deliver, yet young enough to let their walls fall down and just...be. Part child, part woman...the mix makes for a fun day in the studio, for sure.

So meet Izzy. A bit timid, scared her "real  smile" wasn't going to make an appearance for a day, yet over-the-top excited to give her best effort. Turns out Izzy's "real smile" was just a click away. She had absolutely no problem bringing her "real self" all day long.

Here was the email I received from Izzy's fabulous mom, Jeannie:

"Hi Elizabeth, I have been such an admirer of your work with Justine for such a long time. I was introduced to the two of you through my niece, April Mason of Mocha Rose Floral Designs. She holds you in such high regard, as do I. I also worked with Justine for a very short and adore her sense of classic style with an edge. The reason for my inquiry is that I have a daughter who is in need of a high school senior portrait. She is such a sweet, beautiful young woman with a bright, clear smile, but for some reason, does not know how to "smile for the camera". She has built up this photo phobia kind of thing....perhaps lack of confidence, or shyness. I just know you would be the one to pull it out of her, and I know you love a slight challenge. (Although, she truly is so pretty, it won't be too hard, once you figure out how to get her to smile naturally for the camera!). Would you consider doing her portrait during the month of September? We can make ourselves completely available to you. Her yearbook portrait is due October 1st. We have put it off because of this psychological block. Would you be willing to do this?"

Would I be wiling to do this? Psht....challenge accepted. Mission accomplished.

High School Senior Sessions Pittsburgh-0001Soooooo much more to come of the breathtaking Izzy!!

Hair & makeup by the awesome Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.