What a Pleasant Surprise!

image I have the incredible opportunity every time I step in my studio to meet amazing women that trust me with their deepest vulnerabilities. I do not treat that lightly...in fact I consider it an honor and as such I thank my lucky stars everyday that so many beautiful women have come into my life and taught me some valuable lessons in love and self-acceptance.

I never ever expect anything more than that. That is a gift for me from every woman I have ever had the pleasure of photographing. So imagine my surprise when I got a gift in the mail from Amy, one of the 9 women that came in as part of the Sisterhood session I photographed about a month ago. I was so surprised and so delighted with her gift I had to share it with all of you! First, I see on the package that it's addressed to Elizabeth Craig Photo-awesomeness" Wha?? I was instantly in love with whomever sent this package. Then I unwrap it to find a very sweet note inside and then a lovely little gift. Amy spent the day at this session documenting everything on her iPhone and one photo she took was of John and me. She framed it in a bi-fold frame and on the other side was another photograph of a saying that is on the side of a house in Shadyside, which Amy said "...agrees with me." I cannot tell you how much this made my year!


imageimageimageAmy--thank you for such a kind gesture. The fact that you took time to give this gift, along with such a sweet handwritten card, meant so much to me. I can't thank you enough.  xoxo