I'm Bringing the Photograph Back
This looks INCREDIBLE on the computer screen you're staring at right now.
WHY wouldn't you do this with it??
Ok folks...we're going to school today. Yep! I'm taking you to the classroom so we can talk about photography, your legacy and what a photograph truly is and represents.
I'm bringing back the photograph.
No, I don't mean the photograph that's sitting in your phone, camera or computer. I'm not talking about the photographs tucked neatly away on that hard drive you just had to have from your photographer, rather than order prints. I'm talking about a bonafide, genuine, true article, actual, live, printed photograph on paper that you can touch, pick up, put down, pass around, put on your wall, your desk, your nightstand or your whatever.
So what is a photograph? It's a physical representation of that moment in time, caught, captured and solidified for all time and is meant to be viewed and hopefully cherished. How many of you have digital copies of grandma from her wedding day? Now how many of you have photographs of grandma on her wedding day framed and set up on your mantle? Yup. My point exactly. I have one too! I cherish it and love it and it brings a smile to my face every time I see it.
There is even a big difference between a photo album and a real photograph. Photo albums today are mostly collage-style with more than one photo on a page and eventually the book gets closed, hiding all of the photos inside until someone opens it again. Photographs should be seen, displayed, laughed at, cried over and put out there for all to see and enjoy every single day.
Because of my commitment to getting all of you out there to understand the value of a photograph I have now started offering a new product to celebrate the photograph. And the reason I'm making a big deal about it and shoving it down your throat today is because it's a product that seems to be confusing my clients.
Let me introduce to you what I have now lovingly named the Legacy Photo Boxes.
These stunning boxes, filled with even more stunning photographs, is going to help me bring back the value of a photograph to all of you.
These boxes are designed to hold a certain number of beautifully printed photographs inside a custom-designed photo cover. Just look at those sweet little ribbon ties!! Ah!
Each photograph inside the box is showcased in a lovely mat.
I offer 2 sizes and 2 variations for you to choose from. You can have a white box with a white tie, a black box with a black tie...white mats....
...or you can choose black mats as well.
So what is so great about these boxes anyway? Because they hold bonafide, genuine, true article, actual, live, printed photograph on paper that you can touch, pick up, put down, pass around, put on your wall, your desk, your nightstand or your whatever. I know what you were thinking: what's the difference between turning off the computer screen, closing the album or shutting the box?? It's all the same, right? Nope! Because these photographs are real and matted, you can take them out and frame them, even changing them out when you get bored with them! And I know what you're thinking now: I can't have a photograph of my butt hanging in my house!! What would grandma say?!? So don't hang your butt on your wall. You have a variety to choose from so hang whatever you want. And PS I bet grandma would tell you to shake that rumpmaker and show off what God gave you because someday gravity will play a very mean joke on you.
And for the photographs you decide to keep tucked away in the box for his and your eyes only...then yes, what is the difference between that and the album you thought you had to have to show off your photos?? Your photos are either tucked away in an album or tucked away in this gorgeous photo box. At that point it becomes about preference: tucked away in an album, or tucked away in a box. Makes no difference at that point.
So to my lovely, beautiful women out there that are considering a session: might I suggest considering a product outside the norm a bit? My albums are gorgeous, trust me. But all I'm saying is...don't you think it's time we brought the photograph back??
It's not just a box; it's box filled with your legacy.