They Let Me In... their home. It was a quiet evening. The sun was sitting low in the sky and peeking through the curtains. A few giggles, soft kisses and lots of love.
I'm always so honored when couples let me into their intimate world. And don't mistake that for their sexual world; sex has nothing to do with it. This is sensual. This is intimacy. This is love. It takes vulnerability and trust to let me in there. I'm very thankful. And also so happy when couples want to celebrate their connection this way, through photographs.
In marriage there will always be ups and downs. There will always be misunderstandings, a few tears and lots of work. But there are also those waves we ride when everything is good. When everything flows, instead of ebbs. It's those moments we can sometimes forget about because they are so easy. Capture those moments. You won't regret it.