BAM! | She Came, She Posed, She KILLED IT!
Ooooooooh snap. Snap snap snap. Hear that?? It's the crack of those little hips thrown around by K as she owned my studio. Whoa....whoa whoa know when someone walks into your day and you think you've got them all sized up?? Well, K walked into my studio allllll quiet and sweet and she is the tiniest little thing you would ever see. And then all of the sudden the makeup went on, the hair got done and the outfits came out, and then K turned from this sweet, adorable little gal to a strong, powerful, sexy young woman in. an. instant. It was glorious to watch it all unfold. It took me about 5 minutes to fall head over heels for Ms. K....frankly I've decided she's my new BFF. ;-)
And then this is the email I came home to:
"I just wanted to thank you again for everything yesterday! I had such an AMAZING time that I really don’t know how to put it into words. You and Justine are such an awesome team – you both are incredibly fun, wonderful women with extraordinary gifts! Thank you for making me feel beautiful and giving me the ability to tap into parts of myself that I haven’t seen in a long time. I am so excited for the reveal! :)"
Sugar & spice, y'all...s.u.g.a.r & s.p.i.c.e...
So. Much. More. To. much more!
Fabulous and fun makeover by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified!