Can You Feel Sexy When You're Pregnant?

Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0007Umm. If you've had a gander at the above photo then can I get a "Psht...YES I can!" Listen, I've gone through it. Of course most days the last thing you feel is sexy when you're pregnant, but celebrating that bump with a bit of you time before your life gets taken over by that adorable, screaming, poop monster is not a bad idea. This was N's second session with me. N and I hit it off immediately in her first session so when I got a call that she wanted to come back to document this new milestone in her life I was thrilled. Thrilled!! As you can see she knocked it out of the park. We were lucky that on her session day she was feeling pretty good so we had a blast making that baby work for it. ;-)

Sometimes, even with varicose veins and swollen feet, you can get your sexy on. The proof is in the photos!Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0003Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0001Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0002Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0006Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0004Pittsburgh Maternity Boudoir Photos-0005Lovely makeover by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.