Finding Your Sexy Again
Ahhhhh.....I was just looking through the blog today to see how things are going and I realized I never followed up with Ms. K! Boy have you been missing out. You've seen a little sneak peek but I wanted to finally give you the full sha-bang.
Ms. K came to see me because, as she put it in the little film I posted a little while ago, she wanted to find that gal inside that's been snoozing for a bit. She said she hadn't felt sexy for a long time and wondered if she still got it. Ohhh my I love when women challenge me like that! Do you still got it? Do you still got it?? We ALL got it, dahlings....we all still got it. But I can't tell you how good it makes me feel and how it just makes my year that when women want a boost, they come to me. Me. That's so humbling. It makes me realize I'm likely in the right career path. ;-)
Here is a bit of an excerpt from K's original email inquiry to me:
"I know you are already booked solid for Valentine's Day, but I am still interested in gathering more information for down the road when you have an opening. Work basically owns my life and I basically never get an opportunity to let loose. I am a fun-loving, girly-girl, but at work I have to be all-business-all-of-the-time. I've forgotten what it's like to just celebrate being me. All of the photos on your website have something in common, other than all of them being absolutely amazing, no one looks like they're forcing anything--they're just absolutely beautiful and free...I want to feel that way and at least be able to have a photograph to remember it by when I'm drowning in work -- haha...."
Girl, you came to the right place. ;-)
Ms. K and I hit it off right from the word go. She was like a kid in a candy store every time Justine showed her a new look...I haven't seen anyone that excited in a while! Again--check out the film and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I know for both Justine and me, it doesn't get any better than making a women feel special, beautiful and sexy in the studio. Seeing the look on K's face throughout the session was proof enough of that. And as if that wasn't enough, I received this right after our session:
"I just want to thank you again for everything yesterday! I had such an AMAZING time that I really don't know how to put into words. You and Justine are such an awesome team--you both are incredibly fun, wonderful women with extraordinary gifts! Thank you for making me feel beautiful and giving me the ability to tap into parts of myself that I haven't seen in a long time. I am so excited for the reveal! :)
Thank you again!!"
Thank you K! Can't wait to go get that drink this month with you! You are AWESOME!
All of these incredible makeovers by Ms. Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.