Happen to Know Any Heroes?
Totally awesome gaggle of totally awesome women seeks super-duper empowering women to inspire other super-duper women.
~Do you know a female that has survived something that blows your mind?
~Do you know a female that has triumphed over odds you would never have bet against?
~Do you know a female that has achieved something that makes your jaw drop?
~Do you know a female that has made a difference in the world by being an inspiration and leader in their community?
~Have any of those beautiful heroes used their super powers to help inspire and heal others in the world?
If you answered YES to any of the questions above then you have just found your own super-duper woman to nominate for a chance to be a recipient of The Beauty Within Foundation.
We will be formally kicking off The Beauty Within Foundation on June 11, 2015 starting at 6pm. More deets on that soon. For now, we're trying to find up to 5 women to highlight at the kick-off so others can learn about what we do. Here's where we need you to put your thinking caps on and dig around your head for that phenomenal woman you met the other day or have known all your life that fits the bill above.
So how do you do this and what do these women get? Email us at beautywithin006@gmail.com and tell us about a special woman that you think would be an inspiration to other women by sharing her story. Each woman will be able to tell their story and get a glamorous makeover by either Justine or Hannah and a photo shoot with me. Each woman will go home with a small album of a selection of their photos and all edited, high-resolution digital files with printing rights. Each woman will also be featured on our website (coming soon) so that others can be inspired by their stories of triumph.
If you don't yet know a kick-ass woman out there blazing trails, consider donating to our kick-off event, where we will introduce our foundation and the women that have been chosen so far as our recipients. You can learn firsthand what a difference powerful and beautiful photographs can make in a woman's life, all while reading and hearing about their incredible stories that brought them to us in the first place.
We are hoping to heal and inspire women all over the world with one photograph and story at a time. Please consider helping us get our fledgling foundation off the ground.
Ok. Get busy y'all.