A Guide to Photographing Girls

Remembering Your Beauty Within-0001-3Oooooooohhhh boy. What a day we had in the studio with Ella. You'll see in the post below this one that it was nothing short of a party day for a 9 year old. What started as a simple "Hey let's use 'take your child to work day' as a chance to grab a few quick photos of Ella" turned into a full-on glamour session. I won't complain...I mean...just look at her. ;-) It also gave us an opportunity to continue to send the message of Self Love, which is always up front and personal in our business. And this is one of the reasons we wanted to do this for Ella as well. Each child (yes, even boys) are born with their own Beauty Within. Somehow we girls and women seem to lose our way with this as we grow older. So we teach Ella that sometimes it comes and sometimes it hides, but your Beauty Within is always there waiting to shine. It's worth fighting for.

So, since the post below this one, a lot of you good folks have been asking if there were any other photos from the day. Umm. Yeah. You could say that.

Again--super duper huge THANK YOU to Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty for being so patient and so lovely with Ella. Oh--and also making her look and feel like a rockstar. ;-)

Oh...and the title? Here's your recipe for success on photographing girls:

Take one awesome little girl that thinks she rocks, put her in a studio with fashion she picked out herself, play dance music really loud...and just let her be herself. Result? Magic.

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