And Did I Mention Those Curves?
I'm actually fanning myself as I write this. Yes...these photos are that hot. And you know what is so incredible about these hot photos? She had absolutely no idea how hot she really is...and boy did it take some convincing for her to see what I see. But loooooook at those curves. My goodness.....look at her beautiful curves!
She didn't know what to get him for their first year anniversary. When she called me and said, "You photographed our wedding...will you help me with this?" Um. Yeah....I can do that. However, she needed the photos in like 3 weeks. Listen ladies...I was born with the ability to get stuff done with superhuman lightning speed. Seriously...The Flash don't have a thing on me. matter how much I kick and scream, I just can't seem to get the companies I order from to work as quickly as I do. So, my compromise to this lovely woman was to stage a surprise. Ohhhhh yes yes yes. We have the time of our lives at your session, you bring him with you for your reveal (of course leading him to believe anything else otherwise), you show up, I pour wine, and then WHAM! BAM! HOLY MOSES he sees the most spectacular thing he has ever set eyes upon....and you become the most AWESOME gal he has ever met. ;-) Oh it doesn't stop there...that was gift #1. Gift #2 is that he then gets to sift through all the products and choose what products he wants to showcase his rockin' lovah. Nope--doesn't end there. Then I upload all those jaw-dropping photos to your private online gallery and then comes gift #3: he then chooses the photos he wants for the products he chose. Aaaaaaand then the finale, the big bang, the mother of it all happens: those products arrive in the mail and for the rest of his days he gets to stare at his gorgeous (and coolest) gal ever...forever. Ohhhhh mama.
Beautiful makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty.