10 Minute Engagement Session
So, John and I have had this engagement session date set with Erica & Andy for a bit...but not surprisingly, Mother Nature interrupted our plans for the evening. If you haven't spent much time in Pittsburgh lately then you may not be aware of the immense amount of rainfall we've had so far this summer. Sheesh...can't a photographer get a break?!?
When I spoke with Erica about rescheduling she said her only concern was they they reallllly needed to get those Save the Dates out. Seeing a quick break in the downpour, we said we were on our way to capture a few lovely photos that they could use for the quickie Save the Dates and then we could reschedule the full sha-bang for another time.
I think we did a pretty good job for only having a wee bit of time before it started to rain...again. ;-)