Tami & Justin | Heinz Chapel Weddings | University Club Weddings
Goodness what a sweet wedding day I get to share with you today! Meet Tami & Justin. Tami, the quiet, reserved, super chill gal (nothing could get this girl to frown). Justin, the super-smiley, sweet, throw-an-arm-around-ya kinda guy. Fit together like like 2 peas in a pod. :)
Tami never broke a sweat and Justin never quit smiling. It was a beautiful day. And wow was it a lot of fun watching Justin's family interact with him. Justin has 2 brothers and the 3 of them together make one heck of a musical team (which we got to see at the reception...the crowd went WILD!) They are songwriters for a label out of Nashville and you may even recognize Justin's younger cutie brother. He was a contestant on the Voice last year (and in my opinion should've went all the way. Adam Levine, you stink). Oh, and one more little musical tidbit about this family: do you know the song "I Loved Her First" that is played at EVERY wedding for EVERY father/daughter dance? That was written by Justin's stepfather. Pretty neateriffic (I just made that word up. Hee hee)
What a day! Enjoy!