32 Women. 18 Hours. Destin, FL. Most Awesome Way to Spend 5 Days "Working" Ever

Ok--so this is going to have to be a sneak peek because I still have over 2,000 photographs to sift through. I'm sure you understand. ;-) On Location Beachbody Photographer Pittsburgh-0003

A quick explanation here...Do you remember Katy (up there on the right)? Well, it's because of her that we were in Destin, FL photographing over 30 women. She got together with her 2 other besties (which are also BeachBody coaches that are pret-ty high up on the ladder, just like Katy) and came up with an awesome idea. We have Melanie on the left up there and Val in the middle. They decided to coordinate a retreat for the awesome coaches on their teams for a weekend of fun, exercise, training, and....a photo shoot with me and John! Can't think of a better way to spend a few days.

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You MUST view the film below John put together; it's a ton of fun!
