Pittsburgh Light Up Night | FREE Photo Walk!
Toot the horns, blow the whistles, sound the drums, turn up you music super dee duper high! Weeeeeewwwwww Weeeeeeeeewwww Weeeeeeeeewwww!! The Photo Walk of all Photo Walks has arrived!! PGH Light Up Night - Every photographer's favorite night of the year!
Thank you to all who attended yesterday's Photo Walk. This Friday is part two. We will be practicing what you learned and putting it all into action.
Part Two:
Date: Light Up Night, Friday, November 20th
Time: 7:30pm
Location: West End Overlook. Just keep walking along the fence till you find me.
Part Two is the Photo Walk for those of you that have always wanted to learn how to capture a cityscape at night. Tripod is a must! If you do not have one, buddy up with someone who does.
These Photo Walks are aimed at those of you who have a DSLR...but...fear not you phone-photograpers and instagramers; you are welcome too. I have some tips for you.
And as always, here is a fun film for you to watch: "Doug & John's Road Trip - Alcohol & State Confusion" https://vimeo.com/145640249