It's the Little Ones that Get Me - Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer
Ohhhhhhh how we love teensy weensy tiny weddings. I mean, you can't get any more intimate than one of these.
Meet Melissa & Sangki. What an incredible, dynamic, loving, honest-to-goodness damn good couple they are. Individually each of them could fill a book on their lives. Together they are a real live, feel-good, grab your popcorn and a box of tissues rom-com. I'm just lovin' these two.
So let me explain why we're crushing on these 2 so much. First, I couldn't get over how wonderful of an email Melissa wrote to us inquiring about their date. The brief description of their relationship and how they met just melted my heart:
"Hi, Elizabeth and John.
I am writing to inquire about engaging Elizabeth Craig Photography the afternoon of December 20th for our very intimate (12 guests) wedding ceremony just down the street from your business at the Inn at Mexican War Streets. My fiance and I noticed the sign outside your studio while we were in Pittsburgh a couple of weeks ago looking at wedding venues.
About us and our day:
Sangki and I met in 2011 in Afghanistan. He was a Navy Corpsman (medic) and I was Foreign Service Officer. We met in a remote region on the border with Turkmenistan and bonded over a shared desire to help improve health and education services for the local population.
In June he will move to Pittsburgh to begin medical school at UPitt. I will stay here in DC to finish writing my dissertation in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Our dream is to return overseas together, preferably to conflict prone areas, and to partner with local organizations in development projects and disaster relief. "
The moment John and I read "12 people" we were alllll in. You see, for some reason, it's the little ones that we love to photograph. No, they're not the money-makers and no, they are typically not the weddings that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars making sure every detail is juuuuuuust right....but the emotional POW factor makes us both feel so honored to be there, a fly on the wall, capturing such intimate moments. And, lucky for us, these types of couples seem to gravitate right to us.
Second, we just instantly connected with them. We all met for dinner one night and after about 4 hours of hanging out and chatting about everything from books to war and politics, we just couldn't wait for that wedding day to arrive. You couldn't help but notice Melissa & Sangki's love for one another and their commitment to becoming husband and wife. Just crazy in love.
And yes, the wedding day was everything you would think it should have been. The Inn on the Mexican War Streets is such a lovely venue for a small wedding. The sun was shining, there were more hugs to go around than I could count and even more smiles. The energy was relaxed and so very joyous. Watching Melissa sit back and enjoy the day was wonderful.
And then she walked down those steps and gave a look to Sangki like " I am. Here you are. Let's do this." And what was so lovely was that all the guests stayed in the foyer to watch Melissa walk down the staircase, meet her father at the bottom and make the walk across the floor to meet Sangki on the other side. They all then walked into the sitting room, turned ceremony room, for the festivities to begin.
And it was perfect. From their handwritten vows, to the stunning readings by friends, all followed up with tears of was magical.
As every wedding should be.
Venue: Inn on the Mexican War Streets Hair & Makeup: Hannah Conard Beauty Flowers: Green Sinner