
#PhotowalkPGH this Sunday! https://vimeo.com/152571284

If it's horribly snowing Sunday morning, stay home. Updates will be on Facebook & Twitter by 8:30am Sunday. But c'mon people...it's Pittsburgh. You can drive in the snow.

For this community to grow, we need your help. We need you to start spreading the word. Even if you can’t come, but you think nurturing a free community-based art group is a good idea, then we need you to spread the word. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Your blog. Your big fat mouth. Whatever way you can get the message out there, we’ll take it.

Here are all the deets for the next 3 months:

LOCATION: Our studio on the North Side at 502 W. North Ave. PGH 15212. On-street parking is free. John will meet you all on the front porch of our building. If it rains or snows we will meet inside the building.

DATES: 1/24. 2/21. 3/20.

Time: 10am

And here’s a fun little extra for all of you: our very good friend, and INCREDIBLE photographer, David Burke, will be joining in!

And here's a photo to keep you warm. ;-)


untitled-23Please RSVP to elizabethcraig@me.com