Bold. Confident. Daring. Gutsy. Brave. Sssssssssexy as a mofo.
These are all the things I want to see in you. More importantly, these are the things I want you to see in yourself.
Ahhhhhh.....time and time and time again each and every woman will tell me at the very beginning of their session that "...I'm not like the other women on your site. Good luck with me because I can't do that...whatever it is that makes those photos look so...real." And then I giggle because that's the exact same thing all those other women said to me.
It's a process. In the beginning I get you excited when we go over your wardrobe choices, helping you believe that, yes, you can pull off that bodysuit, or skirt, or outfit you never in a million years would believe you'd wear for absolutely anything, let alone to be immortalized in for all time via photography.
Then I hand you over to Justine or Hannah, who's soothing touches and calm demeanors get you relaxed and beautified.
Then we begin.
The first outfit is the one that begins with emotions that I know you can pull off easily such as relaxed smiling, giggling and softness. There are a lot of poses that I have you looking away from me so your nerves have a chance to calm. I coach you on facial expressions, helping you with my own face and pushing you till you get it. Then I show you how you're doing on the back of my camera. "This was before you trusted me. This very next shot was when you listened to what I was saying and trusted me." And BOOM. You get it. It doesn't hurt, no one laughed at you, you DO actually look relaxed, sexy and REAL in those photos. You realize how amazing you look in those photos and, every single time, I hear, "Holy moly!!! That's ME?!?!?" Then it gets fun.
Your second outfit we begin to move you into a more seductive state, but still soft and you slide right into it because by now, you've built up some steam and you begin to challenge yourself a bit. You start to understand how to connect with the lens. The nerves fly away and what's left is a woman that could be described by all those adjectives above.
By the third outfit, you've got this down like you've been doing it all your life. We push you a bit more and your body and face seem to just know what I'm going to want at this point and you're so excited to see what you can do. Now, instead of wanting to hide behind the couch, you're asking if we can try something new; something you wouldn't have dared asked about during your first outfit.
And then comes the coup de grace. We save this one for last. This is the outfit that I know will take everything you've got. This is the one that we've been building up to and will really show yourself how truly badass you are. This is the one where we push you outside your comfort zone, asking you to give it your all. And that's what you see at the top of this post. You see a confident, sexy woman that came in thinking she'd never be able to do this, worrying about looking silly, worrying about embarrassing herself, worrying about being that one woman that just couldn't get it right.
Bring it. I'm here waiting.
Dazzling makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty.
PS--you're not following me on Instagram?!? Tsk tsp!! Well hop to it! You're missing out!!