The Beauty of....Jewelry - Branding Photographer

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 10.36.56 AMWho would've guessed I'd be photographing jewelry?? Well, I am. Am I jewelry photographer? Oh my gosh, no. Had I been hired to photograph only the jewelry pieces, well...I wouldn't be writing this blog post.

I was actually hired by some really cool women out of D.C. to photograph them wearing their own jewelry lines. What was so appealing to me was that they could've hired teeny weeny 20-something size 0's to show off their lovely goods, but they didn't. They wanted to wear their own lines because they are everyday women, and it is everyday women that will be buying their jewelry. BRILLIANT!

Of course I instantly fell in love with this concept and I've been having a ball with it! This is just one of the campaigns that I worked on and I thought it was lovely and wanted to share it with you!

If you like any of the jewelry shown, feel free to hop on over to 7 Charming Sisters and buy it all up. ;-)

Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-008Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-006Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-007Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-002Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-005Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-001Jewelry Fashion Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-004

Hair & makeup by Justine Lynn of Beauty Justified.