She Came From Seattle... see me, and I still can't believe it. Victoria contacted me quite a while ago to talk about a session because, as she so adorably put it, a session with me was on her Bucket List. How crazy, humbling, beautiful and incredible is THAT?!? Before and After Beauty Boudoir Photography-001

So we talked, we planned...and before we knew it, the day had arrived. I was so excited to see Victoria again. Oh yes! Did I forget to mention that Victoria and I were sorority sisters from a bazillion years ago in college?

Yes, we were sisters and you know what? She hadn't changed a bit. Victoria always had a quiet grace about her, and coupled with that was a lovely and strong sense of confidence. I always admired her for that. And she brought that with her and buckets more of her good-natured self. We chatted non-stop. Work, life, marriage, kids, divorce. To hear Victoria talk about her divorce was tough, because no matter what, divorce is never easy, but there it was again: that self-confidence coming out and making it known that bumps in life come and go, but all you have is yourself. So be good to yourself.

And that's where her Bucket List started. She wanted to be good to herself. She had a new chapter to write in her life and she wasn't going to go about it down and out. Noooooooo way. In fact, she had just come to me 2 weeks after a 2 week hike in the wilderness of god-knows-where with a friend. Getting back to nature, getting back to herself. That's what this was all about.

So here we were, on her session day, crossing off one more thing on her Bucket List. I felt so honored to be on that list...but also...imagine the pressure! Yikes! But right out of the gate Victoria slid right into her confident self, relaxed and showed that camera a thing or two.

I think my favorite photos are of Victoria with that little smile. It's such a kind smile. She gave it to me unfiltered and so easily but it's one of those smiles that is reserved for those who really deserve it, so I felt special to receive it. I think more than the smile itself, it's that look in her eyes. What a twinkle of life, love and a message of hope and self-love.

So, thank you Victoria for making my day (or year, really). I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to watch women like you take back a part of themselves and fully understand that they deserve happiness, acceptance, love and yes, self-love.

I wish so much peace, love and happiness for you in this life. You truly deserve it...but you already knew that.

Beauty Fashion Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-10Beauty Fashion Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-9Beauty Fashion Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-8Beauty Fashion Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-7Beauty Fashion Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-12Gorgeous makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty.