Published | The Baroque Sessions | Flawless Magazine

Yes. Yes. YESSSSSS!!!!!! I'm happy to share with you the lovely term "As seen in Flawless Magazine"! Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 9.41.35 AM

So, remember that little sneak peek I showed you a while back? Well I've been DYING to show you more and, although you'll get a bit more of a glimpse from our lovely spread in Flawless Magazine, this will be one of 3 full posts on my blog. Be sure to watch the films at the end of each post...John did a killer job of filming the behind the scenes bits.

I can't begin to tell you how obsessed I was with this session. I call them "inspiration sessions" because they inspire me to break away from what I know and go full throttle into unknown territory. And if you've spent time on this blog, you know how much I love fashion, hacking fashion and coming up with my own way to express a certain visual idea. And the most awesomest thing about an inspiration session is that I am in full control. There is no one to please except me and the very talented vendors that choose to be a part of the team. In this case, I was so lucky to have 2 such incredibly talented artists and permission to use the best space that I could have imagined for this particular shoot. So a big huge crazy shout out to Lee Ann Boersma, owner of At Home Beauty, for her amazing skills with hair and makeup. Another to Carmel, owner of Mt. Lebanon Floral, for the MOST INCREDIBLE floral wig I have ever seen in my life!!! And such an elegant and gorgeous bouquet to match. And of course to the Mansions on Fifth. Thanks for allowing us to bring all of our ideas to fruition in your beautiful space!!

I have to tell you as well, Christina, our gorgeous model, slid right into character immediately. She came to life instantly and it was such a joy to photograph her. I loved the way Lee Ann designed both wigs to enhance Christina's beautiful features and the clothing laid so elegantly on her. Seeing all the planning come to life made me giddy. Also--I love the role of creative director. I am as much a creative director for every session at my studio as much as I am a photographer but I always forget to talk about it. And that role really comes to life for an inspiration session. I was in total control of all the wardrobe, the location, the flow of the day and ensuring that what I had in my head, and what the other vendors were expecting, alllll came together. I looooove that part of my job.

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So be sure to tune in next week for the 2nd post! You're going to LOVE it!!

Photography: Elizabeth Craig Photography Hair and makeup: At Home Beauty Cinematography: John Craig Media Venue: Mansions on Fifth Styling: Elizabeth Craig Creative Director: Elizabeth Craig