Confident Woman

Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0005 I know what you're thinking..."Wow, if I could be so bold." Well, you can be. You know what confidence is? Belief. It's belief that you are a force to be reckoned with. You are to be taken seriously, respected and of course, cherished.

Is belief in oneself that hard? Hmmm...sometimes, yes. Absolutely. But each day I have a woman that comes to me to challenge her self-belief. It's an incredible thing to watch. That transformation from timid, very nervous, second-guessing, what-was-I-thinking woman to a brave, sexy, powerhouse of a confident woman.

One of my clients just recently called me her coach and cheerleader. I really really really (to infinity) loved that. Because that means she trusted me and believed me enough to pull her insides out for me. You gotta respect that shit...when a woman throws down her walls and just brings it. When she lets loose and embraces her true self.

That's what I call a force to be reckoned with.Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0001Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0007Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0003Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0004Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0002Fierce Woman | Elizabeth Craig Photography | Boudoir-0006

Gorgeous makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty.