Pittsburgh High School Senior Photographer

Pittsburgh High School Senior Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-003OK. Here it is. All laid out for you: I don't photograph high school senior portrait sessions because...wait for it....I'm no good at it. Seriously. I'm just no good at it. The varsity jackets, the batons, the "sit on a rock with one foot up resting your elbow on your knee" and looking at me with that MAN-I-cannot-wait-to-get-this-over-with smile. I get totally lost in all of it and  you will wind up with crappy, JC Penny-type portraits that only your grandmother will like. Because that's what grandmother's like.

So let me explain further. If I don't photograph high school senior sessions, why is there a high school senior in this blog post that I clearly photographed? The thing is, you didn't know this was a high school senior session until I told you. BAM. That's right. I didn't say I don't photograph high school seniors; I said I don't photograph high school senior sessions.

Want to know what I photograph? Women. Beautiful women in all stages of life, all ages, sizes and walking all sorts of journeys. That's what I photograph.

This is just a sneak peek of Olivia's beauty session with me. Holy moly canoli did I have a blast with this smart, beautiful young woman.

I'll elaborate a bit more in a later post of Olivia, but for now, enjoy these non-senior photos from a non-high school senior portrait shoot. ;-)

Pittsburgh High School Senior Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-001Pittsburgh High School Senior Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Photography-002

Crazy stunning makeover by Lee Ann Boersma of At Home Beauty.