Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells...Give Him the Gift He Really Wants.
Yesssssssss....how about this year instead of the tie, the slippers, the golf clubs...or even the new pair of leather gloves, you get him this? I think this will get a bit of a different reaction when he opens a beautiful leather-bound album stuffed full of incredible, sexy photos of none other than his bee-you-tiful gal. Just sayin'...
So this is my little friendly holiday reminder to you that if you would like to be on the receiving end of watching his eyes pop out of his head and mouth drop to the ground, you'll need to have your session no later than November 1.
And just a side note: this gift also includes a day of pampering, fun, makeovers, dress up and getting to be a fashion model for a day, all while creating photos that will last a lifetime. Let me see you come up with a better gift than that for BOTH of you.
Gorgeous makeover by Hannah Conard of Hannah Conard Beauty.
PS–Not following me on Instagram? You should be. I’m insta-aweosome.