Many the Miles(tones) - Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer

I got stopped in my tracks the other day. Sat back, crossed my arms, rubbed my hand on my chin with that "Seriously?!?" look on my face. That's what happened when I realized the many many many milestones I have had the sincerest of all pleasures of being a part of in my 12 years of photography, thus far.

Dead in my tracks, I swear it. Let me list a few for you....proposals, engagements, weddings, babies, anniversaries, marriage celebrations, divorce celebrations, I found out I survived, I found out I won't survive, I want to find who I am, I want to get lost in myself, I couldn't be more proud of me, I couldn't be more proud of my the list goes on.

Legacies. That's what I've been a part of. Can you imagine what that's like? I not only got to watch these legacies being born and taking hold of a woman, a group of women, or a few generations of women...I actually got to capture that legacy for all of time. These legacies that I am so proud and humbled to be a part of will forever live, because the shutter got snapped just right there, at the right time.

I just got goosebumps.

What is so exciting about looking back over these legacies is that I get to take in how much women are realizing how important it is to leave a legacy. Listen, getting photos taken to wow him on your wedding night is no small matter, so if that's what you're here for I am your girl! That's exactly what I built this part of my business on and it has been a beautiful foundation. But I won't lie; I am simply euphoric when I think about how that has evolved over the years to now include just as many women that are here simply to celebrate themselves, or their friends, or their mothers or grandmothers. They have come to me to put the icing on the cake of what was a personal journey. They have come to me as a kick-off to start a new chapter in their life that was titled "Me. A Love Story." I have had women that have kicked ass, needed a kick in the ass, laughed till they cried and/or cried till they laughed. I have heard tails that would break your heart in one swoop, and on the tail end of that I have been told stories that will breathe life and love back into you as if you never knew it before.


We are all storytellers. That is the gift we all have; each of us has our own unique story to tell and that story is our legacy. You can tell it, write it down, film it....and you can photograph it. I think you know my preference.

So, to all of you women out there that bared your souls to me and told me things I know you never told anyone else, for all the laughs we have shared, the tears we both then laughed over...for trusting me with your innards, for getting real with me...I thank you.

And I am now raising my cyber glass and clinking to the many many more miles(tones) I cannot wait to share with each and every one of you.