Raemie Bachman - Pittsburgh Personal Branding Photographer
Welcome to Day 3 of giving love, praise and huge cyber hugs to just a few of Pittsburgh's kickass Boss Ladies. Meet Raemie. This gal is Mother Earth incarnate and I know this personally because any questions I have ever had about my home (including decor, management of, cleanliness of and even just a sense of comfort and warmth), selling and buying real estate, cooking anything, growing anything....or pretty much anything else to do with everyday life has been answered by this woman.
Not only is she simply magical in the kitchen, but she also happens to be a full time mom-preneur as a real estate agent. It always mystifies me how knowledgeable Raemie is about housing...it's just insane. More than once John and I have considered selling our home and buying something else, or just investing in real estate and though we have never had the guts to make the plunge, I would have never even considered it without insisting that Raemie spearhead the entire process. I learned so much from her it made my head spin. Her patience, knowledge, instincts and even her level of protection in steering her clients in their most beneficial direction is mind blowing. She's like having my very own mama bear in everything home, earth and more.
So when Raemie the Awesome asked me about photographing head shots for her business I immediately told her 2 things: 1. Uh...yes! And 2: Don't even think about asking me to photograph those boring, cheesy, arms-crossed-over-your-chest photos. Not surprisingly, she agreed and gave me full creative control over her photography. Knowing what I know about Raemie, I instantly saw an Oprah magazine cover. So, I got to work mood-boarding and visually inspiring Raemie with my ideas. I wanted a set that looked like she was in a cottage on the beach. I wanted it to look warm, inviting, casual and of course, welcoming. After explaining and showing Raemie what I had in mind, she set off to collect and purchase items consistent with those ideas...oh yeah...and flowers. There had to be tons of flowers and Raemie is a whiz at floral arrangements (and I am not...at all) so it all came together so beautifully. Raemie is also trained in staging homes, as well as personal shopping professionally for clients to assist with home decor, so making our ideas come to life was easy and holy crap so much fun.
So if you're ever in need of a super duper over the top brilliant real estate agent, or funny enough if you love cooking classes (picking back up this spring), keep Raemie in mind. Hands down you will not find a more honest, smart and on-the-know real estate agent around.