Mothers & Daughters | Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer
Mother Daughter Before & After Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-8
I cannot, for the life of me, think of a better way for a mother and daughter to spend the day together than coming in for a play date with me. Over the years, mother/daughter sessions, mother/daughter/granddaughter sessions, and the like, have gotten more and more popular and I'm so thrilled to watch that come alive. Have you ever come across an old photo album that you either forgot about or didn't even know existed? You open it, struggle to remember if that photo was of your grandmother or great grandmother...or was it your aunt, twice removed?? Then you see that photo of your mom when she was your age. Gosh, how beautiful she was...and still is. Then you giggle when you find the photo of yourself when, for some unknown reason, you allowed your mom to perm your hair in the 6th grade. Ohhhhh....good times good times. And then your mom joins in and you ask over and over and over again: "Who's that?" and "What was it like when you were my age?" and "What were you thinking with that dress mom??" Nostalgia is an important part of life, is it not? Better yet, history is important. Leaving a legacy is most important of all.
And it's not just the photos. You know that. It's also the experience of celebrating that relationship through a once-in-a-lifetime event. Two women coming together to create a memory that creates a lifelong legacy of photographs. That's a priceless experience, if you ask me.
So, this is my teensy tiny reminder to you that Mother's Day is right around the corner. If you're trying to come up with the perfect gift for your mom or daughter, may I make a suggestion?
Mother Daughter Before & After Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-7
Mother Daughter Before & After Photography | Elizabeth Craig Photography-9