WHIRL Magazine | Powerful Women of the World Networking Event 2017
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Did you go? Did I meet you there? Oh I hope so! I cannot begin to tell you how absolutely wonderful it is to get a chance to congregate in one place, at one time, with women that are of the same mind, same goals, and more importantly, that want to spread the message of Girl Power. I am so thrilled that I went to this event, which was held in the lovely ballroom at the Rivers Casino! What was so wonderful about this event was the message; strength, feminism, unity and future-building. Listening to Christine McMahon Tumpsen, WHIRL's Editorial Director and Boss Lady in charge, talk about the history of feminism, the present obstacles we face and the future of us gals coming together in spirit, love and support was just so refreshing. Such an important message!
There were so many of us there we had to break down into groups so we could get a chance to really get to know some of the other attendees. While talking to another kick-ass Boss Lady there, she mentioned that she knew my work, loved my work and had considered seeking me out for head shots for her business. Unfortunately she had decided to take the quicker, less expensive route (for which I do not blame her. I have done that more than once in different areas!) and it didn't work out for her. So we talked about why my photos for her would be different. Without blinking I said: Well, you could call what I do for professional women head shots, but it's a more than that (I hope). I like to call them Professional Beauty Photographs because they are gorgeous photos of you that you can hang on your wall at home, frame for your husband's office, show off to your friends, pass down through your family, AND use them for your business. So...I kind of feel like "head shots" sell this experience a bit short. She agreed and said she'd be calling soon. I was thrilled!
I don't know how many women I had the pleasure of meeting, and if you were there and I didn't get a chance to give you a high-five, call me. I want to know you. We sisters gotta stick together and I'm over the moon that WHIRL Magazine saw an opportunity for this and jumped on it. A special thank you to WHIRL Magazine for the invitation. I am so grateful to have had the privilege to be a part of such a diverse, talented, brilliant group of women.
Hope to see you all again and SOON!
Whirl Women of the World 2017
Had to throw in a little photo of Raemie and myself at the event. Couldn't help myself!