A Big Milestone is Coming | High School Senior Sessions
High School Senior Sessions | Pittsburgh-2
(For a big surprise just for mom, keep reading to the end) Ohhhhhhh yes....get the tissues out (and the vodka) because you're little one has officially grown up and is about to face one of the biggest moments in his or her life: high school graduation.
How did that happen? Just yesterday you were giggling in the stands watching your little boy practically fall over with the weight of the helmet on his head in pipsqueak football. And wasn't it just last week you caught your daughter covered in your makeup from head to toe while walking around (not too gracefully) in your high heels?? The school plays, the halloween costumes, the friendship woes, the boyfriend/girlfriend heartbreaks...and now...*gulp*....it's that time. Yes. It's that time.
And it's also that time to capture them one last time as their high school selves. All the idealism, the sweet naiveté, the still-innocent dreams of your little one before they really get introduced to real adulthood.
I know...we make fun of senior photos. Do you remember yours?? Oy vey...the poses, the clothes....GAH! The embarrassment! But those kinds of sessions are gone (hopefully) and now it's not just about getting them in and getting them out and having those corny photos to give to grandma while your senior begs you not to give them to the neighbors for fear anyone he/she knows may see them. Oh yes...as you can see by these photos, a lot has changed. It's fun, it's an experience and it's based around what your high school senior wants. From grandiosity to simplicity, their sessions with me are about them.
If you're going to invest in such a session, make sure it's one that when you look back on the photos, you see the real her or the real him. And then you can remember feeling that experience all over again with them.
In fact, I'll do you one better: if you're going to invest in a senior session and choose that session to be with me, let's give you (mom) a makeover too and include you in some of the photos. Why not?? You're the one that grew your kid, labored with your kid, had an unimaginable number of sleepless nights for your kid, kissed every boo boo, packed every lunch, cried when they cried and laughed when they laughed. And now, your hard work has paid off. Why not be a small part of this day?? Not a shared part, just a small part (lest your child is reading this and you can just feeeeel the eye-rolling commencing).
So, this is my gift to you, from one mom to another: if you buy a high school senior session for your kid, you will get a free makeover and a mini-sitting with your all-grown-up kiddo. Listen, this is important. I'll bet the next time you get professional photos taken with your child it will be on their wedding day. You and I both know how important these photos are. A gift for you, an experience for your kid. Let this be something to cherish between the two of you.
High School Senior Sessions | Pittsburgh-1
High School Senior Sessions | Pittsburgh-3
Keep building the legacy, mom.