They Needed This - Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir Photography Before & After | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-1

Boudoir Photography Before & After | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-1

Same title, different Gal. You got to see her bestie and hear about her story, now we're on to the second half of such a wonderful day at my studio. I know I said it in my last post, but having these women in my studio was so much fun, it was like I wasn't even working. They were just so excited to be there and both talked about how they had waited and waited for this day. I couldn't have felt more honored to be the photographer they chose to finally come and celebrate themselves.

And here's what I can say about this beautiful woman you see here. When Lee Ann turned the mirror around to show her the finished makeover she yelled "Holy shit!"...I'd say that was a pretty good indicator of her feelings on that. You could see how she was instantly changed into a confident, sexy woman. And her gal pal said to me quietly: "She really needed this. A lot."

I took maybe 4 frames and showed them to her so she could see what it all looked like. She instantly said "I could not be more un-photogenic and you made me look beautiful in the very first set!

But it was by the 2nd outfit when she teared up at how she couldn't believe these photos were really of her that I really understood how important this was to her. You see, we women so badly want reassured that we are in fact beautiful. Sometimes we look in the mirror and we think "Yes...I am pretty" in that sort of surprising tone. But we always wonder if that's true, if that is the way others see us, because when you have no distance from your own self, how do you really know?

Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-6

Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-6

Boudoir Photography Before & After | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-2-2

Boudoir Photography Before & After | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-2-2

Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-7

Boudoir Photography | Pittsburgh | Elizabeth Craig Photography-7

Taking a day that you have planned for months, giving yourself permission to be pampered (for once) and make the day about you (for once) and celebrating yo-self with gorgeous professional portraits that will last forever is one way to find out. But I'm a bit biased...Makeover by At Home Beauty.