The Client Experience
Pittsburgh Personal Branding Photographer
I know you've seen my links at the end of blog posts telling you that my clients' makeovers are from At Home Beauty, but here is your chance to meet the gal behind the makeup brush. We recently asked Lee Ann to talk about the client experience in my studio from her own perspective. Her rendition is lovely as she discusses the transformation each client goes through. Yes, the physical transformation of hair and makeup is real (you've seen the before & afters) but I love how she really talks about the emotional transformation.
Suffice it to say, I'm thrilled she's part of the team because without her, I don't believe the emotional transformation can be true. We women are visual creatures and when they get to see themselves physically transformed, that's the very beginning of the infusion of confidence into what they will need to bravely stand in front of my camera. Damn good teamwork.
I'll leave it to her to tell the rest.