The Unexpected - Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer
Contemporary Portrait Photographer of Women-4
This beautiful, gorgeous woman walked into my studio with the most loveliest of all lace lingerie. We ooooohed and awwwwed over all of it. I knew she would wear each piece to perfection...and she did. However, I introduced her to something she hadn't really thought of. This. Dress. I had this stunning Rubin Singer dress in my studio for something else but as soon as I saw her height, her legs up to her neck and her billowy figure, I knew I had to talk her into this dress. Turns out I didn't have to do much talking. The minute she put it on I saw Veronica Lake, Old Hollywood, and Lee Ann saw Bo Derek. She just slinked right into this gown and I never wanted to her to slink out of it.
I knew she would nail this dress to a T. For her it was a completely unexpected element to her already amazing session.
Contemporary Portrait Photographer of Women-1
Contemporary Portrait Photographer of Women-3
Contemporary Portrait Photographer of Women-2
Love when that happens...Makeover by At Home Beauty.